So sorry I haven't updated in a while, been busy trying to get my house ready for company. Last week was so busy with dance that I am now able to get some things done around here. Monday and Tuesday were practice at the auditorium where the show was held, so basically you sit around there while the girls practice all evening. The dress rehearsal was a mess, at least that is what I heard from my husband who took pictures. All other parents weren't allowed to see it so that we could be surprised. Wednesday night for the performance it came off without a hitch. They had to change a few things the night before since some of the dancers weren't getting on stage because of the quick costume change. So all went well, I did however see that Molly came on stage at one point without shoes. Claimed she couldn't find them after she had taken them off earlier to put on tap shoes. Oh well, I went back at intermission and she had found them. Grandma and her sister Pat had come along and they both enjoyed the show. Pat couldn't get over how much Molly smiled and hammed it up on stage. Here are a few pictures from the performance.

How can you tell her you don't want to do this again when you see that smile on stage!

During the dress rehersal they had some issues with the glasses and wigs, was fixed for the show.

Then came the New Port Richey night parade, our dance studio was having a float in the parade and said anyone who wanted to walk along would be welcome. So Bill said Molly could do it, I had said earlier that it would be a "stay at home" week-end, ya right. Anyway, we had to be at the studio by 4:30 Saturday afternoon to get costumes and learn some choreography that they would be doing down the street as they walked. Then get the kids up to the start at 6:00 to line up then the Parade doesn't start until 7:00 pm. We buddied up with another Mom and she took her daughter and ours to the start of the parade. We found a place near the end of the parade since no one that we talked to had actually been to the parade or been in it to know what they do with the kids at the end. At about 7:45 the kids walked pass and Bill followed them to the end so that he could snag Molly and her friend. The girls then came back and watched the parade for another 45 minutes, and it was only half over! They were tired so I called the friend's Mom and let her know we were heading back to the studio (our designated meeting place). She said she was sitting at the beginning of the parade and there were still 4 floats to go. Man that was a long parade. I'm glad we left when we did, Molly was wiped and we hadn't eaten supper yet so we headed over to Buffalo Wild Wings and didn't get home till 10:00. Molly had fun though so she wants to do it again next year. Yea for me! There were several Moms walking along and one of them took pictures, ours didn't turn out so I'm glad she took several. Here are a few of Molly.

1 comment:
Oh cute pics!!! How FUN!!!
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