We had an awesome time at Phantom of the Opera. The cast was great (although I have to say no one is as good as Michael Crawford!). Molly & her friend Lexxus enjoyed the show, Molly knew what was going on because she had seen the movie, Lexxus not so much. We didn't get to go backstage because the girl who had done the master class wasn't there that night. The girls were bummed but as we were leaving, the usher told us that some of the cast was doing a Q&A for the kids down in front of the stage. So we went down there and there were about 7 or 8 cast members that came out. Lexxus had one of her questions answered, so she was happy. Both girls got shirts that said Prima Donna on the front and Phantom of the Opera on the back. (That cost a small fortune!) The drive down to Tampa was a little hairy when whe reached 275, bumper to bumper the last 4 miles, I think that took 20 minutes of our 45 minute drive, what do you expect from rush hour. It was worth it though we had a fun girls night out. When we got home Lexxus was staying overnight and they spent an hour winding down before going to sleep. They were troupers getting up in the morning for school though. Since they go to different schools, I took Lexxus and my MIL (who went to the show with us and also stayed overnight) took Molly, since both of their schools started at the same time. I took the camera but wasn't allowed to take any pictures of the stage, forgot about taking one of the girls infront of the theater. Oh well, next time!
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